Be confident with your diagnosis. Take advantage of a second opinion.



Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)

I had been in and out of physical therapy for the past 5 years. I am only 23 years old—meaning PT has been my entire adult athletic life, plus some. I have always been active and could never figure out why I was having terrible hip, groin, and back pain. I had people tell me I couldn’t squat anymore. I had people tell me I wouldn’t be able to be competitive anymore. All of them told me this without telling me what was actually wrong with me…so I ignored them.

Finally, the pain became unbearable and I decided it was time to see a specialist. I stumbled upon hip surgeon Dr. Jorge Chahla and his team, and I am so grateful I did! Dr. Chahla and his team did x-rays right off the bat. From the x-rays they were able to determine I had Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI), and recommended an MRI to evaluate the labrum. The MRI confirmed that I had a labral tear.

Dr. Chahla and his team sat with me and laid out all of my different options. After trying a little more physical therapy, we eventually chose to do surgery, specifically hip arthroscopy. I felt like this surgery was very much a decision together, which made me feel so incredibly comfortable and confident with it. Before surgery, they gave me all the resources to know what post-surgery would look like and how they were confident I would be able to continue crossfitting and living an active lifestyle with little to no pain.

Well, I am now 6 months post-surgery, and I could not be happier with how everything has gone. From my first consultation to my final discharge, Dr. Chahla and his entire team were so amazing, supportive, trusting, and comforting. I did my physical therapy at Rush as well with Dr. Jones and he was so incredible in working with Dr. Chahla and getting me to my goals. I have been able to not only run, lift, and squat, but now I can also do it with confidence. I am no longer worrying about how much pain I am going to be in afterwards.

Being an athlete is how I identify. It is how I relax and lower my anxiety. Without being able to be active I was really struggling. Dr. Chahla and Dr. Jones made it possible for me to continue to be an athlete and live a happier healthier life. I am forever grateful!